Doria for the Porch Project - A Porch Portrait

Doria. Kent, Ohio.

Doria lives on the South End. I photographed her while opening her door because, if you know anything about Doria, you know that her door is always open. She’s a community leader, activist, and an inspiring voice in our community. She told me, “When this is over, you’re walking through this door and we’re going to have a good time.”

She recently led a presentation on the Historic South End at the Kent Free Library that included many of the contributions made by people in her neighborhood over the past 200 years. Join Doria on her journey to educate people about the Historic South End and join the celebration of the Historic South End Dedication and block party on Saturday, July 25. 


Roger Hoover's Porch Portraits on CNN's New Day!


The Barkleys for the Porch Project - A Porch Portrait