Brent & Niki for the Porch Project

Brent (43), Niki (43), Kylie (21), Kailyn (17), Ethan (15), Brenna (13) - not pictured, Jerrod (24) - not pictured,
Dogs: Arlo (Dalmatian - 2), Ella Mae (9 mths)

"We moved to Kent with our blended family almost 5 years ago and we’ve never felt more at home. We consider ourselves very fortunate under these current circumstances. Brent and I both work for the same insurance company who immediately packed up thousands of employees across the country to work from home. My oldest son Jerrod, who also lives in Kent, works for the same company and is working from home. Kylie works for Cleveland Clinic Main campus as a nursing assistant so we’ve taken extra precautions to ensure we are minimizing that exposure as much as we can. We have to do the same for Brent’s daughter Kailyn who works at a local grocery store and is regularly dealing with the public.

Kylie is a nursing student at Kent State and has adjusted to having her classes and clinicals all online.
Kailyn is a senior this year Theodore Roosevelt High School and is really missing those last few months of friends and activities that come right before graduation. Ethan is a freshman and Brent’s youngest daughter, Brenna, is an 8th grader at SMS. Even though they’re all missing their friends and going to school they really have adjusted well to virtual learning.

While we do miss seeing our friends, family, and venturing downtown for an evening out, we have tried to stay busy to ward off the boredom and moments of being stir crazy! We’ve been tackling those projects around the house that usually get brushed off until life isn’t so busy. Well, be careful what you wish for, right??!! It’s really been great to get those things accomplished. We take extra walks to get out of the house. Ethan and I volunteer with the school a couple times a week to pass out meals. And sometimes we just order takeout and lounge around the house! "


The Pahls for Porch Project


The Marquettes