Kelly and Suzy for the Porch Project: A Porch Portrait

Kelly (52) and Suzy (54). Kent, Ohio.

Kelly and Suzy definitely feel blessed and grateful for their health, home, friends and family right now. They’re trying to use this time to grow inside spiritually and be more present to the simple everyday gifts like the local train whistle, blue skies and a friendly wave to a neighbor.

They’re playing a lot of card and classic board games to break up binge Netflix watching. This morning they were making scones. They’re eating at local restaurants a lot with a takeaway each week or cooking meals together.

Still, like all of us, they’re doing their best to stay connected with virtual chats.

”Of course we are worried, Kelly’s oldest daughter Alexis is a RN working in an Alabama Hospital, Ashley is now out of work like so many other people in the service industry, my parents - while safe in Florida - are still at risk, especially my 81 father who had very severe pneumonia in the past.

I am still working, from home, worried about the older people not receiving the therapy and their isolation, I am proud of my companies’ clinicians that are treating....and yet so many are being left untreated.”

Kelly, thankfully has been grounded from traveling for his job and is able to work from home.

At the end of the day, we ask ourselves, did we do just one thing to make someone smile, help a neighbor out? That helps the lack of control over the unknown....”


Lisa for the Porch Project: A Porch Portrait Series


Chuck and Lisa for the Porch Project - A Porch Portrait